October 19, 2022

I’m so excited for you to meet both of my guests today! For the last interview episode of our peace-focused podcast season, Lynn Cowell and Amy Carroll join me to lead you through their peace-filled takeaways from their new Bible Study called Esther: Seeing Our Invisible God in an Uncertain World.

Finding Peace in Christ when God Seems Invisible

We talked about:
  • How their perspective changes as they more deeply studied the book of Esther
  • Why they used the process of listen – feel – do – speak to open up Esther as they wrote their study
  • Lynn discussed her lesson focused on listening and illuminates how Esther did this so well, and how that can bring peace to us
  • Amy then chats about how she experienced greater peace through Esther’s story of feeling before she acted or spoke

You can check out a sample of Esther and learn more at https://estherbookstudy.com. You can also grab a copy at Amazon and other online distributors.

I’ll be coming your way next week with a deep dive into Esther 4:14, since we are, in fact, created for such a time as this.

And, as mentioned in the mid-reel, here is the link to sign up for the free Count Up Virtual Event, headed your way November 1-5th. 

Grab a copy of my PDF 10 Great Questions to Ask when Studying the Bible here: https://mailchi.mp/18893c5c043d/10-great-questions

Author Bios:

Lynn Cowell is part of the Proverbs 31 Ministries’ speaker and writing teams. She is the author of several books, writing for women of all ages. Lynn calls home North Carolina, where she and her husband, Greg, and the occasional backyard deer are adjusting to life as “just us”. Along with their three adult children, the Cowells love hiking, cooking, and anything combining chocolate and peanut butter. You can check out her other (many!) Books, ministry, and blog at https://lynncowell.com

Amy Carroll finds delight in gathering a community of women with tender hearts and strong voices. She’s a speaker and writer for Proverbs 31 Ministries, a speaker coach, and the author of Breaking Up with Perfect and Exhale. A woman who adores a great story and a challenging idea, Amy has branded co-hosting the Grit ‘n’ Grace the Podcast “one of my favorite things.” Amy and her husband live in lovely Holly Springs, NC where you can find her on any given day texting her adult kids, typing away at her computer, or trying to figure out one more alternative to cooking dinner. Check out her book, coaching ministry, and blog at https://amycarroll.org or give her a follow on Instagram @amydohmcarroll

Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):


You can grab a paperback or Kindle copy of Counting Up To Christmas: 24 Gifts from the Gospel of Luke on Amazon.com

Listen to the entire podcast series on your favorite podcast provider.

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